Inauguration of the Welcome Hall at the Ecole de la 2ème Chance 01 | 01

Posted on September 29, 2023

Inauguration of the Welcome Hall at the
Ecole de la 2ème Chance

On Friday September 29, the UbiPharm Foundation and UbiPharm Guyane officially donated the brand new reception hall at the École de la 2ème Chance in Cayenne, French Guiana, during an inauguration ceremony.

Supporting the renovation of the school's reception hall was an opportunity to transform the reception area for young people at the École de la 2ème Chance. The aim of the donation was to improve reception conditions for young people attending the school, and to demonstrate the importance of community involvement and investment in their future by providing an environment conducive to their personal and professional development. 

The event brought together over 50 participants, including key members of UbiPharm and École de la 2ème Chance. Inspiring speeches underlined the commitment of UbiPharm Fondation and E2C to the education and professional integration of young people in French Guyana.

Guests at the event included:

 UbiPharm :

- Chairman of the UbiPharm Guyane Board of Directors: Jean Marc Michel

- Managing Director of UbiPharm Guyane: Mathieu Acquisto

- Directors: Liliane Pognon, Saritha Bafau, Jose Mananstara


Ecole de la 2ème Chance (E2C) :

- Chairman: Mr. Kaita Stephenson

- Vice-Chairman: Mr. Ayane Gilles

- Director: Mr. Dolor Gilles

Thanks to solid partnerships like this one between the UbiPharm Fondation and the École de la 2ème Chance, the future looks bright for young people in the region. Together, we are building a better future for generations to come by making education a priority.